Harry Potter and the Order of the Wedding
Like Anne said, I’ve been in quite a few weddings this summer. It’s definitely been interesting watching as a groomsman, wondering when or if that day will come for me. The last one of the summer was this week and I got to the wedding rehearsal way too early, so I stole over to a Borders. I picked up a copy of Harry Potter and read the end (there’s no way I’m ever going to have to time to read all those books, so go ahead and boo me). I have to say I was a little bored by it all. But then something weird happened at the rehearsal. I watched the bride and groom going through their mock vows, observed as all the parents snapped their camera at every opportunity. I just kind of detached from myself and let myself hover over the church, watching the moments go by. And this sort of wave of emotion came over me – suddenly the end of Harry Potter actually made sense to me. These were the sorts of moments those wizards were fighting for.